Why It Is Important To Support Local Business
Small businesses are a town’s backbone, a region’s spirit, and America’s culture. Without them, we are at the behest of massive corporations who only play their own game. Small businesses have a natural grit that deserves some extra attention during the time of social distancing. Let’s talk about why keeping these businesses afloat is essential.
They represent their locale
A local business expresses the culture and environment of its surroundings like no other mascot ever could. Some small businesses have one-of-a-kind items based upon a town’s history or climate, which don’t exist elsewhere; such as ski towns, beach towns, and colonial regions.
Provide local jobs
Local businesses offer a much-needed monetary stimulus to their region. People happily employed by a local business will more likely choose to spend money within their town, providing the economy with continued growth. Some local establishments often volunteer much-needed aid to local events and schools. These concessions do not exist outside of the community.
Customer service
Small local businesses lead the way when it comes to treating the customer right. That little extra homegrown positivity goes a very long way with the buying experience. Say goodbye to fair pricing and personalized service if the corporations take over more small businesses. They are there to move products, not entertain guests.
Over half of the small business owners in America are worrying about their financial future because of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Large businesses however have made massive profits during this tumultuous time, and now, it’s taking its toll. We can help these establishments remain afloat for the long haul if we band together and see the purpose of these wonderful businesses.